

Societal® Political Streetwear

Societal® is an established indie clothing brand founded by Dean Jones in 2020. As a graphic design studio, Societal aims to address almost every social and environmental issue ranging from philosophy, politics, human rights, and social challenges. It offers our planet a voice that is more progressive and creatively reflects historical figures via the use of imagination. It is about accepting those aspects of ourselves that contribute to the Highest and Best aspects of our Humanity. Trade mark Dates Trade mark number UK00003577012 Status Registered Trade mark number UK00003532981 Status Registered

Societal® is an established political streetwear clothing brand founded in 2020. As a graphic design studio, we aim to partner with organizations, artists, and designers across the world to make cool sh*t that speaks your language. As an indie clothing brand, Societal® provides consumers, fans, and followers with an unparalleled and engaging way to convey their individual freedom of thinking and action. As Societal® continues to grow within an exploitative, extractive, intense, and excessive market capitalist society Societal® is dedicating means to promote ethical practices, advocacy, and activism and ensure our products and fabrics are sourced from ethical brands and suppliers that comply with labor, environmental, and safety standards. Ditch the silent majority, find your own unique voice, and inspire Societal® change.

Equal Rights

Fashion is inherently political. The industry not only forms our views on gender, luxury, and desire, it depends on countless global workers (many of whom in developing countries are underpaid and exploited) and leaves an enormous carbon footprint. The streetwear label started with the simple hope of connecting people from around the world through the creation of wearable art that tells a story, inspires, and reminds us that we are all humans with equal rights.

Social and environmental issue

Societal® thrives on the ability to address almost every social and environmental issue ranging from philosophy, politics, human rights, and social challenges. With creativity, it represents historical personalities and gives a reformative voice to our planet. It is about embracing those qualities that serve the Highest and Best of our Humanity.

Social Reformation

What one wears, how one wears it, and when one wears it constitutes expressions of degrees of social freedoms and influences. Societal® is a dynamic clothing label that connects people with the new and next of fashion, style, culture, and art. The power of design allows both children and adults to transform the world into how they envision it – the power to create a more compassionate, empathetic world. Your fashion and style subtly speak of your culture, values, and environmental features. It reflects your state of mind and amplifies your voice. Society at large needs to be orientated about brand representation and its efficacy. It should be known that lying in a clothing line/brand beyond style is a powerful voice that travels wide. Societal® goes beyond the conventional clothing brand, it is an agent of social reformation.

Opportunity for Everyone

Societal® is dedicated to creating sustainable business opportunities for people to promote economic change. While we know charity is critical, we believe that the end to generational poverty will come when people are able to provide for themselves. We know that more products sold means more people working, and we are excited to welcome affiliate partners into our business model. Societal® Affiliate Partners earn 20% Recurring Revenue for Every Referral. Our hope is that you, too, can generate a sustainable income for yourself and your family, and feel good about doing it. If you have a website, blog, or any other online presence, we’d love to consider a partnership.

Societal® aims to highlight social injustice through inspired art and community involvement and thrives on the ability to address almost every social and environmental issue ranging from philosophy, political, human rights,s and social challenges. With creativity, Societal aims to represent historical personalities and give a reformative voice to our planet.”
Dean Jones

Founder & CEO

All stars roster

As a graphic design studio, Societal® partners with organizations, artists, and designers across the world to connect people with the new and next political fashion, style, culture, and art.

Throughout life we are impacted with moments that are rich with meaning and significance. Regardless of the joy or sorrow that these moments create, it is our job to listen and respond. Societal's Store offers its platform for artists, gamers, musicians, and YouTubers to create and showcase their unique looks as phone cases, wall prints, fashionable tees, tanks, and more. With over 20 years of experience, Societal has woven a shared spirit that thrives on designing vibrant and meaningful art. Our ambition is to do as much good as possible, not to 'do no harm' or simply 'be a responsible purchaser’. Societal’s partners engagement with fair trade certified suppliers means we are working with suppliers who are investing in the economic and social development of workers around the world. Producing Societal clothing is a vehicle for these people to lift themselves out of poverty and create a better life for themselves and their community. That is why we are in business. For Societal, the payment of fair prices and development premiums is fundamental to achieving labour rights in garment production. Continuing to pursue low prices and concentrating value extraction at the brand end of supply chains won’t deliver labour rights and poverty reduction. 1. Create your art We recommend using a program such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator to create your design. It’s also important to remember that your art must be hi-resolution to achieve the best quality print. To assist you in your pursuit of creativity we have prepared a Design Guide below to help you create the best submission possible. Tip: Don't forget that resolution depends on which platform you are using. If you are designing in vector (Illustrator), then resolution does not apply. Just make sure to expand your strokes and text! 2. Submit your art You will need to email your design to and in doing so agree to our terms of submission. You should also submit a minimum of a paragraph or two about your design(s) detailing what inspired you to create the design. Your full name and bio. After your design is submitted it will go through our internal review. You will receive a confirmation email once your design has been approved. DPI / resolution When you're submitting your print files, we ask that they're at least 150dpi and at actual size. The resolution of any file is only as good as the dimensions. Resolution is the measure of pixels in the display, usually expressed in measurements of width x height. For example, a monitor that is 1920 x 1080 is 1920 pixels across and 1080 pixels down. DPI (dots per inch) is the number of dots in a printed inch. The more dots the higher the quality of the print (more sharpness and detail) The actual size is best described with (you guessed it) actual numbers. Let's say you have a 5”x5” shape at 100dpi, but you need to make it a 10”x10”. If you simply scale it to twice its original size you go from 5”x5” to 10”x10” Since the size has now doubled, your resolution has been cut in half- that particular part of your graphic, is now 50dpi.